Creating accounts and roles
In this article
New accounts
An existing administrator can create new accounts for a particular trial from the users page for the specific trial (clicking on the Users link on the trial panel) or from the global users list (clicking on the Users link in the navigation bar at the top of the screen).

When creating a new account, a role must also be chosen.

To create an account, the user's real name and email address must be supplied. For roles that can be limited by site, a site selection control is displayed.

The account can be set to receive notifications or not. Notifications are emails sent out when events like randomisation or unblinding occurs. Administrators receive notifications for all such events in the trial. Accounts that are limited to a particular site only receive notifications related to that site. Notification-only accounts can also be created.
Once the account is created, an automatically generated email is sent to the email address with an invitation to log in and set-up the account. Invitations expire after 2 weeks and must be re-sent after this time. If the invitation was sent in error or is no longer required, it can be deleted as long as the invitee has not already set up their account. Note that email notifications (such as for randomisation or queries) are not sent until the invitation has been accepted.

Existing accounts
Sometimes a user may already have an account on the system for a different trial. Attempting to create a new account for an existing email address will trigger an error. A button will be shown to allow the existing account to be given a role in the new trial.

When an existing user logs in, they will see any invitations they have for new roles or trials. The user can accept or decline the invitation.

Adding a role
Administrators can add more than one role to an existing account (including their own) as described in this article.
Telephone randomisation
If a trial is making use of Sealed Envelope's telephone randomisation service, access to this service is granted by specifying an investigator number when creating the account. The investigator number must be a unique 3 digit number in the range 100-999.
When the user calls the telephone randomisation service, they must enter the study number and investigator number to gain access to the system. These are shown to administrators and users with telephone access on the trials summary page.