
Users with the archivist role are able to download an archive containing all application data.

The archivist role may be useful, for instance, to allow a statistician to download data required for interim analyses for Data Monitoring Committee meetings. It may also be used at the end of trial during close-out.

Archives may include sensitive data such as randomisation lists and unblinded data. For this reason, the archivist role should not normally be assigned to any staff involved in the day-to-day running of the study.

The fact an archive was downloaded is recorded in the application audit trail.

Archive contents

Users with the archivist role will see a button to download the archive. This will either be shown on the trials summary page, or the downloads page (from Red Pill 25 onwards).

Archives contain unencrypted PII data from Red Pill 27 onwards. You should make sure downloaded archives are stored in a secure location.

The archive is a zip file containing:

  • README.txt with a description of the archive contents and SHA256 checksums for each file in the archive
  • Complete MySQL dump file for the study database (excluding data from the participant invitation forms)
  • Comma separated value (CSV) files for all forms in the CRF and other datasets such as randomisation and code lists. These datasets are linked via a unique participant database ID (a field called subjectId or patientId).
  • Stata files for all forms in the CRF and other datasets such as randomisation and code lists
  • A data dictionary showing the structure of every form in the database. Additional information on each column shows the question as it appeared in the CRF or randomisation form.
  • Copy of the final audit log. This text file contains a timestamped record of every action that created, updated or edited data. Each action is linked to the relevant user account.
  • a record of all programming changes made during the system's lifecycle.
  • schema.json the file created using the CRF builder that defines the structure and contents of the trial visits and forms.

Note that an audit log of user account actions can be downloaded from the Access user management system. This audit log contains a timestamped record of every action that created or updated a user account, role or notification account linked to the system and the user account that performed each action. We recommend you download this log for archiving purposes.

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