Getting started with visits
Participant details visit and participant ID
A CRF is divided up into visits. Each visit is a distinct occasion when data is collected on a participant (e.g. Baseline, In-hospital, 6 weeks, etc).
At first, your CRF will be empty except for a special Participant details visit. This visit contains the Participant registration form, which is used by Red Pill to add participants. You can change the wording associated with this visit and its forms and fields, but you cannot delete it.
Default participant details visit
The participant ID is a protected field and cannot be deleted. Please edit the Participant ID label as required. The participant ID can be entered by the user or automatically generated.
If you choose the participant ID to be entered by the user, check the field size is appropriate for your trial. Additionally, you can add a validation of the format using some regular expression syntax.
Defining user-entered participant ID and format validation
If you choose the participant ID to be automatically generated, you can specify the format: whether you want a prefix, the number of digits in the sequence number, whether this number should be unique across or within sites, and whether you want a hyphen to separate the site identifier and sequence number.
Defining automatic generation of participant ID
The Participant details visit and its forms can be edited; for example, you can create the randomisation form here, where you add all the information required to randomise a participant (e.g., stratification factors such as age or gender, inclusion/exclusion criteria, etc.). Please see the Randomisation section for more information on how to create your randomisation form and set up your randomisation configuration.
Add the first visit
Add the first visit using the Add a visit link. This will usually be a screening or baseline visit, and you will probably want to enter data on the forms in Red Pill for this visit as soon as the participant is added to the database. To make the forms due immediately, set the Visit is due selection to 'Subject registration form is added'. See Visits for more information on how to create visits in you CRF.
Adding a baseline visit. It will be due as soon as the participant is added to the database
To find out how to add forms, sections and fields, go to Getting started with forms, sections and fields.