Listing, download and snapshots
By clicking on Listing on the left sidebar menu of the CRF builder, you can generate a table listing all the forms, fields and validation rules contained in your CRF at the current revision number.
Listings can be downloaded in CSV format. This can be used to form the basis of your user acceptance testing (UAT), or can be shared with other team members (such as the statistician) for comments.
Listing for the JUMP CRF
By clicking on Download on the left sidebar menu of the CRF builder, you can download the current version of your CRF as a JSON (JavaScript object notation syntax) file. This file contains the complete specification of your CRF and can be viewed or queried by using tools such as jq.
You can save a copy of your CRF at the current version number by using the Snapshot function. Snapshots are not editable; therefore, they provide a history of the development of your CRF.
By clicking on Snapshots on the on the left sidebar menu of the CRF builder, you can access previously taken snapshots and take one at the current version number.
Snapshot of CRF at revision 63
A snapshot cannot be used to build a test CRF, but the randomisation configuration, listing, and download functions can be accessed for that version of the CRF.