Log in
Log in to Access via the link on Sealed Envelope's main website. Users are requested to authenticate themselves before access is granted to the system by providing their registered email address and password. If a user does not have an account on the system, or provides an incorrect password, they will not be allowed access.

New users can request an account by asking an existing administrator user to create one for them. When a trial is first set-up by Sealed Envelope, an administrator account will be created, usually for the trial manager. The trial manager can then create new administrator, investigator or other account types as required. If the user already has an account, it can be linked to the new trial.
When a user has logged in, their name and unique user ID number is always shown at the top of every page in the navigation bar. Once a user has finished using the system, it is good practice to log out. This is particularly important if the user is not using his or her own computer. To log out, click on the Logout link in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Note that to comply with good clinical practice (GCP), it is very important that users do not share accounts or allow others to access their accounts, even temporarily.
Staging environment
Test systems are separate from the live environment, and historically user accounts were independent of each other. This means a user may have two separate accounts — one for older test systems and one for live systems. For newer trials, however, users only have one account and can access both live and test (staging) environments from the same login.
Auto timeout
After a set period of inactivity (usually 20 minutes but may differ for some trials), the user is automatically logged out of the system.
Account suspension
Accounts can be suspended if too many failed login attempts are made in a short space of time. An email will be sent to the account holder with details about the suspension. Suspensions last a maximum of one hour, after which they are automatically lifted. Users can reset their password if they cannot remember it.
Clear ePRO login
If you have been testing subject-entered forms, you may find you cannot view the normal login page. This is because a cookie has been set in your browser identifying you as a trial participant. To clear this cookie and go back to the login page, go to https://www.sealedenvelope.com/access/subjectclear. To avoid this issue, we recommend you test ePRO forms in a different browser or using an incognito or private browser window.