
Sealed Envelope can customise your Red Pill database to suit the requirements of your trial. 

Examples of the types of customisations that are commonly requested are:

  • Hide forms for particular user roles or selected participants (such as forms related to randomised treatment received)
  • Create new user roles with specific permissions (only applies to Red Pill version 25 and earlier; for version 26 onwards, new user roles can be created by administrators)
  • Create an unblinded role that sees the randomised treatment group in a blinded system
  • Send an email to administrators when a certain form in the CRF is completed
  • Bespoke validation rules such as checking that at least one of a series of questions is answered Yes
  • Calculate fields, such as BMI based on height and weight

To request customisations please download and complete a customisations form and return it to Sealed Envelope when you have finished building your CRF.

The customisations will be implemented, and you will be able to check they perform as required in your test CRF.

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